CA Mushrooms
CA Mushrooms

Book Review

Common Mushrooms of the Northwest

By J. Duane Sept
2012; Calypso Publishing,
PO Box 1141, Sechelt, BC,
Canada V0N 3A0
ISBN: 978-0-9739819-6-4; 95pp.; $14.95

In this special issue of FUNGI devoted to the fungi of the Pacific Northwest, we feature reviews of the best guidebooks to the mushrooms of the region. Most are quite extensive or deal only with a specific group. We would be remiss to fail to mention a smaller book, but of very nice quality, dealing mostly with the more commonly seen species. Common Mushrooms of the Northwest is an excellent book, small enough to fit into any pack, very affordably priced, and an excellent book for the beginner or casual forager in the region. Common Mushrooms of the Northwest features very clear, nicely-sized photos of all species depicted, with clearly written descriptions. Originally published in 2009, my copy is a newly “revised version” and I heartily recommend to anyone seeking a guide to the most commonly encountered species of this region. Besides mushroom, Calypso Publishing also offers several other titles on wild berries, flowers, and trees of the region, their website is at

— Review by Britt Bunyard
— Originally published in Fungi