A Bibliography of Mushrooms & other Fungi
This is a bibliography of books about mushrooms, other fungi, mycology and mycophagy. It includes taxonomy books, technical books, field guides, popular books and cookbooks. With a few exceptions, these are all a part of my personal library.
- Ainsworth, G. C. (1976). Introduction to the History of Mycology. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England. 359p.
- Ainsworth, G. C. & Bisby, G. R. (1950). A Dictionary of the Fungi. Commonwealth Mycological Institute: Kew, Surrey, England. 447p.
- Ainsworth, G. C., Sparrow, Frederick K. & Sussman, Alfred S. (1973). The Fungi: An Advanced Treatise. Volume IVA. A Taxonomic Review with Keys: Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti. Academic Press: New York, NY. 621p.
- Ainsworth, G. C., Sparrow, Frederick K. & Sussman, Alfred S. (1973). The Fungi: An Advanced Treatise. Volume IVB. A Taxonomic Review with Keys: Basidiomycetes and Lower Fungi. Academic Press: New York, NY. 504p.
- Ainsworth, G. C. & Sussman, Alfred S. (1965). The Fungi: An Advanced Treatise. Volume I. The Fungal Cell. Academic Press: New York, NY. 748p.
- Ainsworth, G. C. & Sussman, Alfred S. (1966). The Fungi: An Advanced Treatise. Volume II. The Fungal Organism. Academic Press: New York, NY. 805p.
- Ainsworth, G. C. & Sussman, Alfred S. (1968). The Fungi: An Advanced Treatise. Volume III. The Fungal Population. Academic Press: New York, NY. 738p.
- Alexopoulos, C. J. & Bold, H. C. (1967). Algae and Fungi. The Macmillan Company: New York, NY. 135p.
- Alexopoulos, C. J. & Mims, C. W. (1979). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY. 632p.
- Alexopoulos, C. J., Mims, C. W. & Blackwell, M. (1996). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY. 869p.
- Allegro, John M. (1973). The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. Abacus: London,England. 253p.
- Allen, Eric, Morrison, Duncan & Wallis, Gordon (1996). Common Tree Diseases of British Columbia. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service: Victoria, B. C.. 178p.
- Ames, Adeline (1913). A Condsideration of Structure in Relation to Genera of the Polyporaceace. R. Friedlaender & Sohn: Berlin, Germany. 50p.
- Ammirati, Joseph F., Traquair, James A. & Horgen, Paul A. (1985). Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northern United States and Canada. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN. 396p.
- Angel, Heather (1975). Photographing Nature: Fungi. Fountain Press: Kings Langley, England. 96p.
- Anonymous (1954). Index of Fungi; Vol. 1; 1940-1949. Commonwealth Mycological Institute: Kew, Surrey, England. 430p.
- Anonymous (1963). Index of Fungi; Vol. 2; 1950-1960. Commonwealth Mycological Institute: Kew, Surrey, England. 828p.
- Anonymous (1968). Index of Fungi; Vol. 3; 1961-1966. Commonwealth Mycological Institute: Kew, Surrey, England. 376p.
- Anonymous (2002). Mycological Society of America, Annual Meeting 2002: Program. MSA:. 94p.
- Anonymous (1960). Herb. I. M. I. Handbook: Method in use at the Commonwealth Mycological Institute. Commonwealth Mycological Institute: Kew, Surrey, England. 103p.
- Anonymous (1984). Los Hongos en la Cocina Mexicana. Sociedad Mexicana de Micolgia, A. C.: Mexico, D. F.. 77p.
- Anonymous (1986). The North American Mycological Association: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Issue. NAMA:. 55p.
- Anonymous (1984). Sienestäjän Tietikirja. Oy Valitut Palat: Helsinki, Finland. 343p.
- Anonymous (2004). MSA 2004 Anuual Meeting: Program and Abstracts. Mycological Society of America:. 113p.
- Antonín, V. & Noordeloos, M. E. (1993). A Monograph of Marasmius, Collybia and Related Genera in Europe, Part 1: Marasmius, Setulipes and Marasmiellus.. 229p.
- Antonín, Vladimír & Noordeloos, Machiel E. (1997). A Monograph of Marasmius, Collybia and related general in Europe. IHW - Verlag: Eching, Germany. 256p.
- Antonín, Vladimír & Noordeloos, Machiel E. (2004). A monograph of the genera Hemimycena, Delicatula, Fayodia, Gamundia, Myxomphalia, Resinomycena, Richenella, and Xeromphalina in Europe. IHW Verlag:. 279p.
- Antonín, Vladimír & Skubla, Pavol (2000). Interesting macromycetes found in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Libreria Mycoflora: Alassio, Italy. 46p.
- Arora, David (1979). Mushrooms Demystified. Ten Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. 669p.
- Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms Demystified. Ten Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. 959p.
- Arora, David (1991). All That the Rain Promises, and More...A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms. Ten Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. 264p.
- Atkinson, George F. (1897). Studies and Illustrations of Mushrooms: I. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station: Ithaca, NY. 30p.
- Atkinson, George F. (1899). Studies and Illustrations of Mushrooms: II. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station: Ithaca, NY. 26p.
- Atkinson, George F. (1914). The Development of Amanita vaginata. R. Friedlaender & Sohn: Berlin, Germany. 29p.
- Atkinson, George Francis (1901). Mushrooms: Edible, Poisonous, etc. Andrus & Church: Ithaca, N. Y.. 322p.
- Atkinson, George Francis (1903). Mushrooms: Edible, Poisonous, etc. Henry Holt and Company: New York, NY. 322p.
- Baier, J. (1995). Grzyby: w lesie i na stole. Elispa: Warszawa, Poland. 204p.
- Baird, Richard E. (1986). Study of the stipitate hydnums for the Southern Appalachian Mountains -- Genera: Bankera, Hydnellum, Phellodon, Sarcodon. J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 156p.
- Baird, Richard E. (1989). Type Studies of North American and Other Related Taxa of Stipitate Hydnums: Genera Bankera, Hydnellum, Phellodon, Sarcodon (Bibliotheca Mycologia: Band 103). J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 89p.
- Bandoni, R. J. & Szczawinski, A. F. (1971). Guide to Common Mushrooms of British Columbia. British Columbia Provincial Museum: Victoria, BC. 179p.
- Barnett, H. L. & Hunter, Barry B. (1998). Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi. APS Press: St. Paul, MN. 218p.
- Barr, Margaret E. (1987). Prodromus to Class Ascomycetes. Self Published: Amherst, MA. 168p.
- Barron, George (1999). Mushrooms of Northeast North America. Lone Pine Publishing: Edmonton, AB. 336p.
- Bartelli, Ingrid (2001). May is Morel Month in Michigan. Cooperative Extension Services, Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI. 22p.
- Bas, C. (1969). Morphology and Subdivision of Amanita and a Mongraph of its Section Lepidella. Persoonia 5, 285-579.
- Bas, C., Kyper, Th. W., Noordeloos, M. E. & Vellinga, E. C. (1988). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica -- Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Volume 1. Entolomataceae. A. A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 182p.
- Bas, C., Kyper, Th. W., Noordeloos, M. E. & Vellinga, E. C. (1990). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica -- Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Volume 2. Pluteaceae, Tricholomataceae. A. A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 137p.
- Bas, C., Kyper, Th. W., Noordeloos, M. E. & Vellinga, E. C. (1995). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica -- Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Volume 3. Tricholomataceae. A. A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 183p.
- Bas, C., Kyper, Th. W., Noordeloos, M. E. & Vellinga, E. C. (1999). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica -- Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands. Volume 4. Strophariaceae, Tricholomataceae. A. A.Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 191p.
- Beaton, G., Peglar, D. N. & Young, T. W.K. (1985). Gasteroid Basidiomycota of Victoria State, Australia. Kew Bulletin Reprint: Kew, England.
- Bega, Robert V. (1978). Diseases of Pacific Coast Conifers. Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C.. 206p.
- Bell, Ann (1983). Dung Fungi: an Illustrated Guide to Coprophilous Fungi in New Zealand. Victoria University Press: Wellington, New Zealand. 88p.
- Benjamin, Denis R. (1995). Mushrooms: Poisons and Panaceas. W. H. Freeman: New York. 422p.
- Bennett, J. W. & Lasure, Linda L. (1985). Gene Manipulations in Fungi. Academic Press: Orlando, FL. 558p.
- Berger, Karl (1980). Mycologial Dictionary: 3200 terms in 8 languages. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag: Jena. 432p.
- Berkeley, M. J. (1860). Outlines of British Fungology. Lovell Reeve: Londond, England. 442p.
- Bernicchia, Annarosa (2005). Polyporaceae s.l. (Fungi Europaei). Edizioni Candusso: Alassio, Italy. 807p.
- Bessette, Alan E. (1988). Mushrooms of the Adirondacks. North Country Books: Utica, NY. 146p.
- Bessette, Alan E., Bessette, Arleen R. & Fischer, David W. (1997). Mushrooms of Northeastern North America. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 582p.
- Bessette, Alan E., Miller Jr., Orson K., Bessette, Arleen R. & Miller, Hope H. (1995). Mushrooms of North America in Color: A Field Guide Companion to Seldom-Illustrated Fungi. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 172p.
- Bessette, Alan E., Roody, William C. & Bessette, Arleen R. (2000). North American Boletes: A Color Guide to the Fleshy Pored Mushrooms. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 400p.
- Bessette, Alan E., Roody, William C., Bessette, Arleen R. & Dunaway, Dail L. (2007). Mushrooms of the Southeastern United States. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 375p.
- Bessette, Arleen R., Bessette, Alan E. & Neill, William J. (2001). Mushrooms of Cape Cod and the National Seashore. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 177p.
- Bessette, Arleen Rainis & Bessette, Alan E. (2001). The Rainbow Beneath My Feet: A Mushroom Dyers Field Guide. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY. 304p.
- Beuchat, Larry R. (1987). Food and Beverage Mycology. Van Nostrand Reinhard: New York, NY. 661p.
- Biek, David (1984). The Mushrooms of Northern California. Spore Prints: Redding, CA. 302p.
- Bigelow, Howard E. (1974). Mushroom Pocket Field Guide. MacMillan Publishing Company: New York, NY. 117p.
- Bigelow, Howard E. (1982). North American Species of Clitocybe. Part I. J. Cramer: Vaduz, Liechtenstein. 280p.
- Bigelow, Howard E. (1985). North American Species of Clitocybe. Part II. J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 241p.
- Bigelow, Howard E. & Thiers, Harry D. (1975). Studies on Higher Fungi: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Dr. Alexander H. Smith on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. J. Cramer: Vaduz. 368p.
- Bird, C. J. & Grund, D. W. (1979). Nova Scotian Species of Hygrophorus. The Nova Scotia Museum: Nova Scotia. 131p.
- Bland, Roger (1978). Mushrooms of San Francisco. Land's End Press: San Francisco, CA. 64p.
- Boertmann, David (1996). The Genus Hygrocybe (Fungi of Northern Europe, Vol. 1). Danish Mycological Society: Copenhagen, Denmark. 184p.
- Both, Ernst E. (1993). The Boletes of North America: A Compendium. Buffalo Museum of Science: Buffalo. 436p.
- Bottomley, A. M. (1948). Gasteromycetes of South Africa.. 810. 473p.
- Bougher, Neale L. & Syme, Katrina (1998). Fungi of Southern Australia. University of Western Australia Press: Nedlands, Australia. 391p.
- Brandrud, Tor Erik, Lindström, Hĺkan, Marklund, Hans, Melot, Jacques & Muskos, Siw (1990). Cortinarius Flora Photographica, Vol. 1. Cortinarius HB: Matfors, Sweden. 60 il + 40p.
- Brandrud, Tor Erik, Lindström, Hĺkan, Marklund, Hans, Melot, Jacques & Muskos, Siw (1992). Cortinarius Flora Photographica, Vol. 2. Cortinarius HB: Matfors, Sweden. 60 il + 40p.
- Brandrud, Tor Erik, Lindström, Hĺkan, Marklund, Hans, Melot, Jacques & Muskos, Siw (1994). Cortinarius Flora Photographica, Vol. 3. Cortinarius HB: Matfors, Sweden. 60 il + 35p.
- Brandrud, Tor Erik, Lindström, Hĺkan, Marklund, Hans, Melot, Jacques & Muskos, Siw (1998). Cortinarius Flora Photographica, Vol. 4. Cortinarius HB: Matfors, Sweden. 60 il + 31p.
- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1984). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 1: Ascomycetes. Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 310p.
- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1986). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 2: Non-Gilled Fungi. Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 412p.
- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1991). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 3: Boletes and Agarics (1st Part). Strobilomycetaceae, Boletaceae, Paxillaceae, Gomphidiaceae, Hygrophoraceae, Tricholomataceae, Polyporaceae (lamellate). Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 361p.
- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1995). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 4: Agarics (2nd Part). Entolomataceae, Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Strophariaceae. Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 368p.
- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (2000). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 5: Agarics (3rd Part). Cortinariaceae. Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 338p.
- Bresinsky, Andreas & Besl, Helmut (1990). A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Fungi. Wolfe Publishing Ltd: London, England. 295p.
- Brodie, Harold J. (1975). The Bird's Nest Fungi. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada. 200p.
- Brodie, Harold J. (1978). Fungi: Delight of Curiosity. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada. 131p.
- Brodo, Irwin M., Sharnoff, Sylvia Duran & Sharnoff, Stephan (2001). Lichens of North America. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT. 795p.
- Brummitt, R. K. & Powell, C. E. (1992). Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Garden: Kew, England. 732p.
- Buchner, Otward (1998). The Joy of Truffles. Benedikt Taschen Verlag:. 287p.
- Buczacki, Stefan (1989). Fungi of Britain and Europe. University of Texas Press: Austin, TX. 320p.
- Burk, William R. (1980). A Bibliography of North American Gasteromycetes: I. Phallales. J. Cramer: Vaduz. 216p.
- Burnett, J. H. (1968). Fundamentals of Mycology. Edward Arnold: Londen, England. 546p.
- Burnett, J. H. (1975). Mycogenetics. John Wiley & Sons: London, England. 375p.
- Burt, Edward Angus (1966). The Thelephoraceae of North America I-XV. Hafner Publishing Company: New York, NY.
- Calonge, Francisco D. (1998). Flora Mycologica Iberica. Vol. 3. Gasteromycetes, I. Lycoperdales, Nidulariales, Phallales, Sclerodermatales, Tulostomatales. J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 271p.
- Cannon, P.F. & Kirk, P. M. (2007). Fungal Families of the World. CABI: Wallingford, UK. 456p.
- Cappelli, A. (1984). Fungi Europaei 1. Agaricus. Liberia editrice Biella Giovanna: Saronno. 560p.
- Carlile, Michael J. & Watkinson, Sarah C. (1996). The Fungi. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. 482p.
- Carluccio, Antonio (1989). A Passion for Mushrooms. Salem House Publishers: Topsfield, MA. 192p.
- Carluccio, Antonio (2003). The Complete Mushroom Book: savroy recipes for wild and cultivated varieties. Rizzoli International Publishers: New York, NY. 224p.
- Carmichael, J. W., Kendrick, W. Bryce, Conners, I. L. & Sigler, Lynne (1980). Genera of Hyphomycetes. University of Alberta Press: Edmonton, Aberta, Canada. 386p.
- Cash, Edith K. (1965). A Mycological English-Latin Glossary. Hafner Publishing Co: New York, NY. 152p.
- Castellano, Michael A., Cázares, Efrén, Fondrick, Bryan & Dreisbach (2003). Handbook to additional fungal species of special concern in the Northwest Forest Plan (Gen. Tech Rep. PNW-GTR-572). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: Portland, OR. 144p.
- Castellano, Michael A., Smith, Jane E., O'Dell, Thom, Cázares, Efrén & Nugent, Susan (1999). Hankbook to Strategy 1 Fungal Species in the Northwest Forest Plan. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: Portland, OR. 195p.
- Castellano, Michael A., Trappe, James M., Masur, Zane & Masur, Chris (1989). Key to the Spores of the Genera of Hypogeous Fungi of North Temperate Forests. Mad River Press: Eureka, CA. 186p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1976). I Funghi dal Vero, 1° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 635p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1976). I Funghi dal Vero, 2° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 729p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1982). I Funghi dal Vero, 3° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 656p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1983). I Funghi dal Vero, 4° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 690p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1987). I Funghi dal Vero, 5° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 722p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1989). I Funghi dal Vero, 6° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 718p.
- Cetto, Bruno (1993). I Funghi dal Vero, 7° Volume. Arti Grafiche Saturnia: Trento, Italy. 758p.
- Chamuris, George P. (1988). The Non-Stipitate Steriod Fungi in the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (Mycologia Memoir No. 14). J.Cramer: Berlin,Germany. 246p.
- Chang, S. T. & Hayes, W. A. (1978). The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms. Academic Press: New York, NY. 819p.
- Chang, Shu-Ting (1972). The Chinese Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea): Morphology, Cytology, Genetics, Nutrition and Cultivation. The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong. 114p.
- Charles, Vera K. (1974). Introduction to Mushroom Hunting. Dover Publications: New York, NY. 60p.
- Christensen, Clyde M. (1943). Common Edible Mushrooms. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN. 124p.
- Christensen, Clyde M. (1961). The Molds and Man: An Introduction to the Fungi. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN. 238p.
- Christensen, Clyde M. (1965). The Molds and Man: An Introduction to the Fungi. McGraw Hill: New York, NY. 284p.
- Christensen, Clyde M. (1975). Molds, Mushrooms, and Mycotoxins. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN. 264p.
- Christensen, Clyde M. (). Edible Wild Mushrooms. Agricultural Extension Service, University of Minnesota: St. Paul, MN. 16p.
- Cibula, William G. (1974). An Ecological and Taxonomic Study of Selected Higher Fungi in Northeastern Ohio. Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio. 95p.
- Coker, William Chambers (1974). The Club and Coral Mushrooms (Clavarias) of the United States and Canada. Dover Publications, Inc: New York, NY. 209p.
- Coker, William Chambers & Beers, Alma Holl (1951). The Stipitate Hydnums of the Eastern United States. The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC. 211p.
- Coker, William Chambers & Beers, Alma Holl (1974). The Boleti of North Carolina. Dover Publications, Inc: New York, NY. 201p.
- Coker, William Chambers & Couch, John Nathaniel (1974). The Gasteromycetes of the Eastern United States and Canada. Dover Publications, Inc: New York, NY. 201p.
- Cole, Emma L. Taylor (1910). Guide to the Mushrooms. Chas. K. Reed: Worcester, MA. 206p.
- Conant, Norman F., Martin, Donald Stover, Smith, David Tillerson, Baker, Roger Denio & Callaway, Jasper Lamar (1944). Manual of Clinical Mycology. W. B. Saunders Company: Philadelphia, PA. 348p.
- Contu, M. (2003). Il genre Laccaria (Basidiomycotina, Agaricales) in Italia, con note sulle rimanenti specie in Europa. Bollettino del Gruppo Micologico G. Bresadola 46, 5-58.
- Cooke, M. C. (1871). Handbook of British Fungi. Vol. 1. MacMillan and Company: London, England. 488p.
- Cooke, M. C. (1884). A Plain and Easy Account of British Fungi. W. H. Allen & Co: London, England. 166p.
- Cooke, M. C. (1894). Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms: What to Eat and What to Avoid. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge: London, England. 126p.
- Cooke, M. C. (1895). Fungi: Their Nature and Uses. D. Appleton and Company: New York. 299p.
- Cooke, M. C. (1895). Introduction to the Study of Fungi. Adam and Charles Black: London, England. 360p.
- Cooke, M. C. (1898). Microscopic Fungi: Rust, Smut, Mildew, & Mold. W. H. Allen & Company: London, England. 262p.
- Corner, E. J. H. (1950). A Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera. Oxford University Press: London, England. 740p.
- Corner, E. J. H. (1968). A Monograph of Thelephora (Basidiomycetes). J. Cramer: Lehre. 110p.
- Corner, E. J. H. (1970). Supplement to "A Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera". Oxford University Press: London, England. 299p.
- Corner, E. J. H. (1996). A Monograph of Cantharelloid Fungi. Oxford University Press: London, England. 255p.
- Cortecuisse, Régis (1999). Mushrooms of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins: London, England. 904p.
- Cortecuisse, Régis & Duhem, Bernard (1995). Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins: London, United Kingdom. 480p.
- Courtney, Booth & Burdsall Jr., Harold H. (1982). A Field Guide to Mushrooms and their Relatives. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company: New York, NY. 144p.
- Cripps, Cathy L. (2004). Fungi in Forest Ecosystems: Systematics, Diversity, and Ecology. New York Botanical Garden: Bronx, NY. 364p.
- Cummins, G. B. & Hiratsuka, Y. (1983). Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi. APS Press: St. Paul, MN. 152p.
- Cunningham, G. H. (1944). The Gasteromycetes of Australia and New Zealand. Privately Published: Dunedin, N. Z.. 236p.
- Cunningham, G. H. (1963). The Thelephoraceae of Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research: Wellington, New Zealand. 359p.
- Cunningham, G. H. (1965). Polyporaceae of New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research: Wellington, New Zealand. 304p.
- Czarnecki, Jack (1986). Joe's Book of Mushroom Cookery. Atheneum: New York, NY. 340p.
- Czarnecki, Jack (1995). A Cook's Book of Mushrooms. Artisan: New York, NY. 208p.
- Dallas, Ellen M. & Burgin, Caroline A. (1900). Among the Mushrooms: A Guide for Beginners. Drexel Biddle: New York, NY. 175p.
- Deacon, J. W. (1984). Introduction of Modern Mycology. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford,England. 239p.
- Dennis, R. W. G. (1968). British Ascomycetes. J. Cramer: Vaduz, Liechtenstein. 455p.
- Dennis, R. W. G. (1981). British Ascomycetes. J. Cramer: Vaduz, Liechtenstein. 585p.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (1987). The Agaricales (Gilled Fungi) of California. 7. Tricholomataceae I. Marasmioid Fungi. Mad River Press: Eureka, CA. 100p.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (1993). Higher Fungi (Biology 800): Lecture Handouts and Laboratory Exercises. Privately Published: San Francisco, CA.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (1997). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (1997). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA. 74p.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (1998). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (1998). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA. 74p.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (2000). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (2000). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA. 78p.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (2002). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (2002). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (2003). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (2003). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (2007). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (2007). Privately Published: San Francisco, CA.
- Desjardin, Dennis E. (2005). Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (2005). Privately Published: San Francsico, CA.
- Desjardin, Dennis Edmund (1985). The Marasmioid Fungi of California. San Francisco State University: San Francisco, CA. 287p.
- Dickinson, Colin & Lucas, Joun (1979). The Encyclopedia of Mushrooms. G. P. Putman's Sons: New York.
- Dobson, Frank S. (1979). Common British Lichens. Jarrold Colour Publications: Norwich, England. 34p.
- Dobson, Frank S. (1992). Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species. Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd: Slough, England. 376p.
- Dodge, C.W. & Zeller, S.M. (1934). Hymenogaster and Related Genera. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 21, 625-708.
- Dodge, Carroll William (1935). Medical Mycology: Fungous Diseases of Men and other Animals. C. V. Mosby Company: St. Louis, MO. 900p.
- Donk, M.A. (1964). A Conspectus of the Families of Aphyllophorales. Persoonia 3, 199-324.
- Doty, Maxwell S. (1944). Clavaria, the Species Known form Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State College: Corvallis, OR. 91p.
- Doveri, Francesco (2004). Fungi Fimicoli Italici. Associazione Micologica Bresadola: Trento, Italy. 1104p.
- Dring, D. M. (1980). Contributions towards a rational arangement of the Clathraceae. Royal Botanic Gardens: Kew, Surrey, England. 96p.
- Duffy, Thomas J. & Vergeer, Paul P. (1977). California Toxic Fungi. Mycological Society of San Francisco: San Francisco, CA. 29p.
- Dugan, Frank M. (2006). The Identification of Fungi: An Illustrated Introduction with Keys, Glossary, and Guide to Literature. American Phytophathological Society: St. Paul, MN. 176p.
- Duggar, Benjamin M. (1909). Fungous Diseases of Plants. Ginn and Company: Boston, MA. 508p.
- Duncan, Ursula K. (1963). Lichen Illustrations: Supplement to "A Guide to the Study of Lichens". T. Buncle & Company: Arbroath, Scotland, UK. 144p.
- Dähncke, Rose Marie (2003). 1200 Pilze in Farbfotos. Weltbild: Augsburg. 1178p.
- Eckbland, F.-E. (1968). The Genera of Operculate Discomycetes. A Revision of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Nomenclature. Nytt Magasin for Botanikk 15, 1-191.
- Eifert, Virginia S. (1950). Exploring for Mushrooms. Illinois State Museum: Springfield, IL. 47p.
- Ellis, Martin B. & Ellis, J. Pamela (1990). Fungi without Gills (Hymenomycetes and Gasteromycetes). Chapman and Hall: London, England. 329p.
- Ellis, Martin B. & Ellis, J. Pamela (1997). Microfungi on Land Plants: An Identification Handbook. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd: Slough, England. 868p.
- Estey, Ralph H. (1994). Essays on the Early History of Plant Pathology and Mycology in Canada. McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 384p.
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