The North American Species of Pholiota

Subgenus Flammula (Fr.) Singer

Lilloa 22: 515. 1951 Emended

The dextrinoid, non-truncate spores combined with the absence of both leptocystidia and chrysocystidia in the hymenium, and the lack of a persistent membranous annulus distinguish this group. Young pilei are usually a bright yellow and the lower part of the stipe is strongly fulvescent. The spore deposit may have a stronger reddish tone than is typical for the genus as a whole.

Type: P. flavida.


1. Taste distinctly bitter in fresh basidiocarps
1. Taste mild to nutty or fungoid
2. Caulocystidia 30-80 (100) x 4-7 µ subsetiform
2. Caulocystidia not as above
3. Stipe with a thin coating of thick-walled hyphae
3. Not as above
4. Spores 6-9 (10) x 4-5 µ
4. Spores 8-11 (12) x 4.5-5.5 µ
5. Odor heavy (as in some fats)
5. Odor none to slightly fragrant
6. Lamellae distant; hyphae of gill trama and pileus context orange-red in Melzer's reagent
6. Lamellae close; hyphae of gill and pileus trama not as above (see P. aurantioflava also)
7. Odor of freshly husked green corn; growing on wood of conifers
7. Odor and taste not distinctive; on wood of hardwoods


CA Mushrooms