The North American Species of Pholiota

Selected Bibliography

Atkinson, G. F. 1900. Studies of American Fungi, mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. Henry Holt & Co. New York.

Atkinson, G. F. 1918. Preliminary notes on some new species of agarics Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 57: 354-356.

Bach, Erna. 1956. The agaric Pholiota aurea, Physiology and Ecology. Dansk. Bot. Arkiv. 16 (2): 1-216.

Bresadola, J. 1930-31. Iconographia Mycologica vols. 14, 15, 16. Milan.

Dennis, R. W. G. 1953. Les Agaricales de L'ile de Trinite: Rhodosporae-ochrosporae. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 69: 145-198.

Dennis, R. W. G., P. D. Orton, and F. B. Hora. 1960. New check list of British agarics and boleti. British Myc. Soc. Trans. Suppl. June pp. 1-225.

Donk, M. A. 1949. Nomenclatural notes on generic names of agarics. Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg, Ser. III. 18: 271-402.

Donk, M. A. 1962. Nomenclatural notes on generic names of agarics. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 5: 1-320.

Earle, F. S. 1902. Mycological studies, I. New York Bot. Garden Bull. 2: 331-350.

Earle, F. S. 1909. The genera of the North American gill fungi. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden 5 (18): 373-451.

Farlow, W. G. 1929. Icones Farlowianae (text by E. A. Burt) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. pp. 119: pl. 102.

Favre, Jules. 1960. Catalogue descriptif des champignons superieurs de la zone subalpine du Parc National Suisse pp. 325-610. National Park Museum, Chur.

Fries, E. M. 1821. Systema Mycologicum I: 1-508. Lund.

Fries, E. M. 1836-38. Epicrisis System. Mycologici, pp. 1-610. Upsala.

Fries, E. M. 1872. Icones Selectae Hymenomycetum II. Upsala.

Fries, E. M. 1874. Hymen. Europaei. pp. 1-757. Upsala.

Groves, J. Walton. 1962. Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of Canada: Pholiota. pp. 184-190; Flammula, pp. 190-191. Ottawa.

Gussow, H. T. and W. S. Odell. 1927. Mushrooms and Toadstools. pp. 274. Ottawa.

Harding, Paul R. 1952. A Monograph of the North American Species of Gymnopilus. Thesis. pp. 1-247. University of Michigan (microfilm).

Harper, Edward T. 1913. Species of Pholiota of the Region of the Great Lakes. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts and Letters 17: 470-502. pls. 25-55.

Harper, Edward T. 1914a. Species of Pholiota and Stropharia in the Region of the Great Lakes. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts and Letters 17: 1011 -1026. pls. 59-67.

Harper, Edward T. 1914b. Note on Pholiota erebia Fr. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts and Letters 17: 1163. pl. 84.

Hongo, Tsuguo. 1959. The Agaricales of Japan I (1). Mem. Faculty Lib. Arts. Educ. Shiga Univ. 9: 47-94.

Hora, F. B. and P. D. Orton. 1955. Three new British agaric records. Brit. Myc. Soc. Trans. 38: 400-404.

Imai, Sanshi. 1938. Studies on the Agaricaceae of Hokkaido II. pp. 179 -378. Sapporo, Japan.

Imazeki, Rokuya and Tsuguo Hongo. 1962. Colored illustrations of Fungi of Japan, vol. I.

Imazeki, Rokuya and Tsuguo Hongo. 1965. Colored illustrations of Fungi of Japan, vol. II.

Josserand, Marcel. 1937. A propos de l'existence en Europe de Pholiota albocrenulata Peck. Rev. Mycol. Paris N. S. 2: 18.

Josserand, Marcel. 1965. Notes critiques sur quelques champignons de la Région Lyonnaise. Bull. Soc. Mycol. de Fr. 81: 517-565.

Josserand, Marcel and Alexander H. Smith 1941. Notes on the Synonymy of French and American Agarics II. Mycologia 33: 483-505.

Kauffman, C. H. 1918. The Agaricaceae of Michigan: Pholiota and Flammula, pp. 289-314 and 483-492.

Kauffman, C. H. 1926. The Genera Flammula and Paxillus and the status of the American Species. Amer. Journ. Bot. 13: 11-32. 1926.

Kauffman, C. H. 1930. The fungus flora of the Siskiyou Mountains of Southern Oregon. Mich. Acad. Science, Arts and Letters 11: 151-210.

Kauffman, C. H. and Alexander H. Smith 1933. Agarics collected in the vicinity of Rock River, Michigan in 1929. Mich. Acad. Science, Arts and Letters 17: 153-200.

Konrad, P. 1936. Notes critiques sur quelques Champignons du Jura. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 52: 35-53.

Kühner, R. 1946. Étude morphologique et caryologique du hycelium et des formations myceliennes du Flammula gummoosa Lasch. Rev. |1 nMycol. Paris N. S. 11: 3-30.

Kühner, R. et Henri Romagnesi. 1953. Flore Anal. des Champ. Superieurs. Dryophila Quélet (1886) emend. pp. 326-333. Paris.

Kühner, R. et Henri Romagnesi. 1956-57. VII. Especes nouvelles, critiques ou rares des Naucoriacees, Coprinacees et Lepiotacees. Bull. de la Soc. des Nat. d'Oyonnax nos. 10-11. suppl. pp. 1-94.

Kummer, Paul. 1871. Der Führer in die Pilzkunde pp. 1-146.

Lange, Jakob. 1921. The genus Pholiota. Dansk Bot. Arkiv. 2 (11): 1-11.

Lange, Jakob. 1928. The genus Flammula. Dansk Bot. Arkiv. 5 (5): 7-15.

Lange, Jakob. 1935-40. Flora Agaricina Danica. Vols. I-V. Copenhagen.

Larsen, Poul. 1932. Fungi of Iceland. The Botany of Iceland II. pp. 449-607. Copenhagen.

Matsuda, Ichiro and Tsuguo Hongo. 1955. Larger fungi from the sand dunes in Niigata-prefecture (2). Journ Jap. Bot. 30: 259-263.

Metrod, Georges. 1938. Descriptions de quelques agarics peu commun. Rev. Mycol. 3: 148-156.

Møller, F. H. 1945. Fungi of the Faeroes pp. 1-294. Einar Munkagaard Copenhagen.

Morse, Elizabeth E. 1941. A new western Pholiota. Mycologia 33: 367-370.

Moser, M. 1950. Neue Pilzfunde aus Tirol. Ein Beitrag zu Kenntnis der Pilzflora Tirols. Sydowia 4: 84-122.

Moser, M. 1955. Pholiota, Flammula and Kuehneromyces. Die Rollrlinge Blatter-und Bauchpilze, pp. 224-228. (in Helmut Gams, Kleine Kryptogomenflora).

Murrill, W. A. 1912. The Agaricaceae of the Pacific Coast II. Mycologia 4: 231-262.

Murrill, W. A. 1917. Gymnopilus. North Amer. Fl. 10: 193-215.

Orton, P. D. 1960. New check list of British agarics and boleti. Part III. Notes on genera and species in the list. British Myc. Soc. Trans. 43: 159-439.

Overholts, L. O. 1924. Pholiota (Fr.) Quél. North Amer. Fl. 10: 261-277.

Overholts, L. O. 1927. A Monograph of the genus Pholiota in the United States. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 14: 87-210.

Overholts, L. O. 1932. Hypodendrum. North Amer. Fl. 10: 277-281.

Paulet, Jean J. 1793. Traite des Champignons. Paris.

Pearson, A. A. 1949. New Records and Observations IV. British Myc. Soc. trans. 32: 258-272.

Peck, Charles H. 1872. Report of tile Botanist. N. Y. State Muls. Ann. Rept. 24: 41-108.

Peck, Charles H. 1879. Report of the Botanist. N. Y. State Mus. Ann. Rept. 31: 19-60.

Peck, Charles H. 1888. Report of the Botanist. N. Y. State Mus. Ann. Rept. 41: 51-122.

Peck, Charles H 1895. New species of fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 22: 198-211.

Peck, Charles H. 1898. New York species of Flammula. N. Y. State Mus. Ann. Rept. 50: 133-142.

Peck, Charles H. 1899. New species of fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 63-71.

Peck, Charles H. 1901. Report of the State Botanist, 1900. N. Y. State Mus. Ann. Rept. 54: 130-195.

Peck, Charles H. 1903a. New species of fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 95-101.

Peck, Charles H. 1903b. Report of the State Botanist for 1902. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 67: 3-194.

Peck, Charles H. 1906. New species of fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 213-221.

Peck, Charles H. 1907. Report of the State Botanist, 1906. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 116: 5-117.

Peck, Charles H. 1908. New York Species of Pholiota. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 122: 141-158.

Peck, Charles H. 1909. New species of fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 36: 329-339.

Peck, Charles H. 1911. New species and varieties of extralimital fungi. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 150: 50-65.

Peck, Charles H. 1912. Report of the State Botanist, 1911. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 157: 5-139.

Peck, Charles H. 1913. New species of extralimital fungi. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 167: 38-50.

Pilát, A. 1932. Additamenta ad forem Asiae Minoris Hymenomycetum. Pars secunda Agaricineae. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 48: 283-323.

Pilát, A. 1933. Additamenta ad floram Sibiriae Asiaeque orientalis mycologicam. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 49: 256-339.

Pilát, A. 1951. Hymenomycetes novi vel minus cogniti Cechoslovakiae. Studia Bot. Cechoslovacia 12: 1-72.

Pilát, A. 1959. Nase Houby. Prague. Quélet, L. 1886. Enchiridion Fungorum. Paris.

Rea, Carleton. 1922. British Basidiomycetae, pp. 1-799. Cambridge Univ. Press.

Ricken, A. 1915. Die Blätterpilze Deutschlands. Leipzig. Romagnesi, Henri. 1956.

Robak, Hakon. 1933. Pholiota multabilis (Schaeff.) Quel. Som Råtesopp På Tremasse. Friesia 1: 93-94.

Sawyer, W. H. Jr. 1917. Development of Some Species of Pholiota. Bot. Gaz. 64: 206-208. 1917.

Shaffer, Robert. 1965. Poisoning by Pholiota squarrosa. Mycologia 57: 318-319.

Shaffer, Robert. 1966. On the terms Viscid, Gelatinous and Ixo. Mycologia 58: 486-490.

Singer, R. 1943. Type studies on Basidiomycetes II. Mycologia 35: 142 -163.

Singer, R. 1948. New and interesting species of Basidiomycetes II. Papers Mich. Acad. Science Arts and Letters 32: 103-150.

Singer, R. 1950. New and interesting Basidiomycetes III. Sydowia 4: 130-157.

Singer, R. 1951. The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy. Lilloa 22: 1-832.

Singer, R. 1955. Type Studies on Basidiocymetes VIII. Sydowia 9: 367-431.

Singer, R. 1957. New Genera of Fungi X. Pachylepyrium. Sydowia 11: 320-321.

Singer, R. 1962. Diagnoses Fungorum novarum agaricalium II. Sydowia 15: 45-83.

Singer, R. 1963. The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy 2nd Ed.: Pholiota pp. 550-558. (Title page indicates publication as 1962 but this is incorrect). Weinheim.

Singer, Rolf and Alexander H. Smith. 1946a. Proposals concerning the nomenclature of the gill fungi including a list of proposed lectotypes and genera conservanda. Mycologia 38: 240-299.

Singer, Rolf and Alexander H. Smith. 1946b. The taxonomic position of Pholiota mutabilis and related species. Mycologia 38: 500-523.

Singer, Rolf and Alexander H. Smith. 1959. Studies in Secotiaceous Fungi-V. Nivatogastrium Gen. Nov. Brittonia 11: 224-228.

Smith, Alexander H. 1934. New and unusual agarics from Michigan. Ann. Myc. 32: 471-484.

Smith, Alexander H. 1944a. Unusual North American Agarics. The Amer. Midland Nat. 32: 669-698.

Smith, Alexander H. 1944b. New North American Agarics. Mycologia 36: 242-262.

Smith, Alexander H. 1949. Mushrooms in their Natural Habitats. Sawyers Inc. Portland, Oregon.

Smith, Alexander H. 1951. The North American species of Naematoloma. Mycologia 43: 467-521.

Smith, Alexander H. 1956. Additional new or unusual North American Agarics. Sydowia, Suppl. 1: 46-61.

Smith, Alexander H. and Harold J. Brodie. 1935. Cultural characters and pairing reactions of monosporus mycelia and development of the fruit body of Pholiota (Flammula) polychroa Bot. Gaz. 96: 533-546.

Smith, Alexander H. and Rolf Singer. 1964. A Monograph on the Genus Galerina Earle pp. 1-384, pls. 1-20 Hafner Pub. Co. New York.

Smith, Alexander H. and S. M. Zeller. 1966. A Preliminary account of the North American species of Rhizopogon. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Garden 14 (2): 1-178.

Soehner Ert. 1922. Pholiota subsquarrosa. Zeitschr. fur Pilzk. 1: 33-38.

Stuntz, D. E. and B. F. Isaacs. 1962. Pacific Northwestern fungi. Mycologia 54: 272-298.

Thomas, G. P. and D. G. Podmore. 1953. Studies in forest pathology. Canadian Journ. Bot. 31: 675-692.

Vandrendries, Rene. 1933. Nouvelles Investigations (lans le domaine sexual des Hymenomycetes. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 49: 130-164.

Vandrendries, Rene.1934. Les polarites sexuelles dans le genre Pholiota. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 50: 270-277.

Wells, Virginia and Phyllis Kempton. 1965. Togaria anluea in Alaska Mycologia 57: 316-318.

Zeller, S. M. 1933. New or noteworthy agarics from Oregon. Mycologia 25: 376-391.

CA Mushrooms