Schenella simplex
Mycologia 3(1): 39. 1911.
Common Name: none
Synonyms: Radiigera atrogleba Zeller; Pyrenogaster atroglebus (Zeller) L.S. Domínquez & Castellano
For descriptions see Siegel et al. & Zeller.
Domínquez de Toledo, L.S. & Castellano, M.A. (1996). A Revision of the Genera Radiigera and Pyrenogaster. Mycologia 88(5): 863-884.
Estrada-Torres, A., Gaither, T.W., Miller, D.L., Lado, C. & Keller, Harold W. (2005). The myxomycete genus Schenella: morphological and DNA sequence evidence for synonymy with the gasteromycete genus Pyrenogaster. Mycologia 97(1): 139-149.
Macbride, T.H. (1911). A New Genus of Myxomycetes? Mycologia Mycologia 3(1): 39-40. (Protologue)
Martin, G.W. (1961). The Genus Schenella. Mycologia 53(1): 25-30.
Siegel, N., Vellinga, E.C., Schwarz, C., Castellano, M.A. & Ikeda, D. (2019). A Field Guide to the Rare Fungi of California's National Forests. Bookmobile: Minneapolis, MN. 313 p. (PDF)
Smith, A.H. (1949). Mushrooms in their Natural Habitats. Sawyer's Inc: Portland, OR. 626 p. (PDF)
Trappe, J.M., Molina, R., Luoma, D.L., Cázares, E., Pilz, D., Smith, J., Castellano, M.A., Miller, S.L. & Trappe, M.J. (2009). Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation of Truffle Fungi in Forests of the Pacific Northwest. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: Portland, OR. 194 p. (PDF)
Zeller, S.M. (1944). Representatives of the Mesophelliaceae in North America. Mycologia 36: 627-637. (Protologue)