Mycoacia uda
Medded. Nedl. Mycol. Ver. 18-20: 151. 1931.
Common Name: none
Synonyms: Phlebia uda (Fr.) Nakasone; Sarcodontia uda (Fr.) Nikol.; Mycoaciella uda (Fr.) C.L. Zhao
For descriptions see Mycoquebec, Crust Fungi, Crust & Jells, & Nakasone.
Saprotrophic on hardwood branches, associated with a white rot decay. Widespread in North America & Europe, not common in California.
Mycoacia uda can be distinguished by its yellowish resupinate odontoid to hydnoid basidiocarp, presence of a subiculum, and purple staining reaction with KOH or ammonia.
Bernicchia, A. & Gorjón, S.P. (2010). Corticiaceae s.l. Edizioni Candusso: Alassio, Italy. 1008 p.
Eriksson, J. & Ryvarden, L. (1976). The Corticiaceae of North Europe. Volume 4. Hyphodermella - Mycoacia. Fungiflora: Oslo, Norway. 337 p.
Læssøe, T. & Peterson, J.H. (2019). Fungi of Temperate Europe, Vol. 2. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. 902 p.
Nakasone, K.K. (1997). Studies in Phlebia. Six species with teeth. Sydowia 49(1): 49-79. (PDF)
Pegler, D.N. & Legon, N.W. (1998). Profiles of fungi 89 – 91. Mycologist 12(1): 36-37.