Laricifomes officinalis
Ceská Mykologie 11 (3): 158. 1957.
Common Name: none
Synonyms: Fomitopsis officinalis (Vill.) Bondartsev & Singer; Fomes officinalis (Vill.) Bres.
For descriptions see Gins, Overholts & Siegel et al.
Solitary, rarely scattered, on conifers, primarily old growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii); causing a brown cubical rot; rare.
Inedible or according to Gins "mildly poisonous".
Laricifomes officinalis can be distinguished by its large size, hoof-shaped sporocarps becoming vertically elongated, generally pale coloration, chalky-crumbly flesh, very bitter taste, and typical growth high in trees.
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