Lactarius desjardinii ) P.M. Kirk
Index Fungorum no. 279, 2015,
Common Name: none
Synonyms:Arcangeliella desjardinii Thiers; Gastrolactarius desjardinii (Thiers) J.M. Vidal
Basidiocarps secotioid, with a stipe and percurrent columella; colored dark brown, olive brown, greyish brown, greyish orange to yellowish white; 3-5 cm broad. Latex white, copious, and unchanging; staining gleba brownish, pinkish, or reddish on drying. Gleba exposed, irregularly laminate to chambered, anastomosing and contorted; pale yellow to buff. Odor none to mild. Taste mild to slightly mealy or bitter.
Stipe 2-4.5 cm long, 1-2 cm broad; colored like the pileus or paler; context whitish.
Spores 7.5-10.5 µm X 6.5-9.5 µm, globose to subglobse, ornamentation an amyloid complete or broken reticulum.
Solitary to gregarious; epigeous; known only from mixed hardwood-coniferous forests in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. Solitary to gregarious; epigeous; known from mixed hardwood-coniferous forests in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties.
Lactarius desjardinii can be differentiated from the only other "Arcangeliella" known to grow in coastal California, Lactarius variegata (=Arcangeliella variegata), by the pinkish staining of the gleba by the latex and its lack of an acrid taste.
Desjardin, D.E., Wood, M.G. & Stevens, F.A. (2015). California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide. Timber Press: Portland, OR. 560 p.
Kirk, P. M. (2015).
Index Fungorum no. 279: 1.
Thiers, H.D. (1984). The Genus Arcangeliella Cav. in the Western United States. Sydowia 37: 296-308. (Protologue)