Inocybe flocculosa
Syll. fung. 5: 768. 1887.
Common Name: none
For description see Cripps & 'California Mushrooms'.
Solitary to scattered in duff under conifers (pines) or aspens; fruiting from fall through early winter in coastal pine forests, or in fall in the Sierra Nevada.
Inocybe flocculosa can be distinguished by its scaly brown to ochraceous cap, non-bulbous white stipe that becomes ochraceous at maturity or where handled, a faintly spermatic odor, and thick-walled yellow cystidia on the gills and stipe apex. Identification of the several brown, fibrillose-scaly inocybes in California is problematic and usually requires micromorphological analyses. Inocybe subdestricta is similar but has a less scaly, darker brown to reddish brown cap, a pallid stipe with pink tones, and unpigmented cystidia. Inocybe lacera has a brown, fibrillose-tomentose cap, a stipe with pinkish apex and brown base, and elongate spores. Inocybe lanuginosa is dark brown overall, with a fibrillose-scaly stipe and nodulose spores.
Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (2000). Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 5: Agarics (3rd Part). Cortinariaceae. Verlag Mykologia: Luzern, Switzerland. 338 p.
Desjardin, D.E., Wood, M.G. & Stevens, F.A. (2015). California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide. Timber Press: Portland, OR. 560 p.
Cripps, C.L. (1997). The Genus Inocybe in Montana Aspen Stands. Mycologia 89: 670-688. (PDF)
Kobayashi, Takahito (2002). The taxonomic studies of the genus Inocybe. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 124. J. Cramer: Berlin. 246 p.
Kuyper, Thomas W. (1986). A Revision of the Genus Inocybe in Europe. I. Subgenus Insperma and the Smooth-Spored Species of Subgenus Inocybe. Rijksherbarium: Leiden, Netherlands. 247 p.
Stangl, J. (2011). The Genus Inocybe in Bavaria. NuAge Print and Copy: Burnley, UK. 344 p.