Hygrophorus neoerubescens
Rivista di Micologia. 62(3): 201. 2019.
Common Name: none
Misapplied name: Hygrophorus erubescens (Fr.) Fr.
For description see Siegel & Schwarz & 'California Mushrooms'.
Solitary to scattered in duff in mixed hardwood-conifer forests; common, fruiting in fall in montane and coastal forests.
Hygrophorus neoerubescens can be distinguished by a relatively small, viscid, pink to reddish gray cap with vinaceous streaks, pink gills with grayish red spots, a slender white stipe with vinaceous streaks, and a tendency for tissues to stain yellow when bruised. It is similar to Hygrophorus capreolarius, but that species has a darker reddish brown, fibrillose-squamulose cap, darker vinaceous gills, does not bruise yellow, and is associated with Sitka spruce in northern coastal California. Hygrophorus purpurascens, a similar but larger species, has a fibrillose annulus and fruits primarily in spring in montane pine-fir forests.
Abstract from Papetti et al.: "Based on an extensive study of the protologue of Agaricus erubescens, a species created by Fries in 1821, it becomes clear that the obligatory lectotype unambiguously represents a species of the genus Rhodocollybia. Both tables indicated by the Swedish author represent R. maculata. Thus, the name A. erubescens must be considered as nomen confusum and be abandoned. Therefore we here present the new species Hygrophorus neoerubescens."
Bas, C., Kyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. & Vellinga, E.C. (1995). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica—Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Volume 3. Tricholomataceae. A. A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 183 p.
Desjardin, D.E., Wood, M.G. & Stevens, F.A. (2015). California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide. Timber Press: Portland, OR. 560 p.
Hesler, L.R. & Smith, A.H. (1963). North American Species of Hygrophorus. University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville, TN. 416 p. (PDF)
Largent, D.L. (1985). The Agaricales (Gilled Fungi) of California. 5. Hygrophoraceae. Mad River Press: Eureka, CA. 208 p.
Papetti, C, Peintner, U. & Simonini, G. (2019). Hygrophorus neoerubescens sp. nov. Il lectotypus obbligatorio di H. erubescens è rappresentato da una specie di Rhodocollybia. Rivista di Micologia. 62(3):195-213.
Siegel, N. & Schwarz, C. (2016). Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast. Ten Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. 601 p.