Cuphophyllus russocoriaceus
Docums Mycol. 14(no. 56): 11. 1985.
Common Name: none
Synonyms: Hygrophorus russocoriaceus Berk. & Miller, Hygrocybe russocoriacea (Berk. & Miller) Orton & Watling, Camarophyllus russocoriaceus (Berk. & Jos.K. Mill.) Lange
Cap 1.5 -3.5 cm broad, convex, the margin slightly undulate in age, faintly striate; surface moist, smooth, hygrophanous, ivory to pallid, fading from the disc toward the margin, the latter often slightly darker; flesh thin, pallid, unchanging; odor of cedar; taste, mild.
Gills decurrent, broad, thick, subdistant, lammellulae alternating with the gills, concolorous with the cap.
Stipe 4-7.5 cm tall, 0.4-0.6 cm thick, slender, cartilaginous, hollow at maturity, sometimes twisted, equal to tapering to a narrowed base; surface moist, smooth, concolorous with the cap; flesh pallid, thin, unchanging; veil absent.
Spores 7.5-9.5 x 4.5-5 µm, elliptical, smooth; spore print white.
Scattered to gregarious in hardwood/conifer wood forests.
Cuphophyllus russocoriaceus is best told apart from similar waxy-caps by its distinctive cedar odor. Other important field characters are the moist, not viscid, white cap and subdistant gills.
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