Butyriboletus primiregius
Mycologia 106(3): 474, 2014.
Common Name: none
Misapplied name: Butyriboletus regius
For descriptions see Arora & Frank and Siegel & Schwarz.
Solitary to gregarious in soil, associated with conifers, primarily firs (Abies spp.); spring and early summer; Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges.
Edible and excellent.
Butyriboletus primiregius can be distinguished by its spring fruiting, vinaceous to dark red cap, yellow pores, and yellow reticulated stipe.
Arora, D. & Frank, J.L. (2014). Clarifying the butter Boletes: a new genus, Butyriboletus, is established to accommodate Boletus sect. Appendiculati, and six new species are described. Mycologia 106(3): 464-480. (Protologue)
Siegel, N. & Schwarz, C. (2024). Mushrooms of Cascadia: A Comprehensive Guide to the Fungi of the Pacific Northwest. Backcountry Press: Keeland, CA. 576 p.
Wang Y et al. (2024). Polyphasic taxonomy clarifies the relationships between Butyriboletus and Exsudoporus, and new taxa and reports of Boletaceae from ChinaMycosphere 15(1), 881–953.