North American Species of Crepidotus


CREPIDOTUS (Fries) Staude

Die Schwämme Mitteldeutschlands, p. 71. 1857

Agaricus Tribus Crepidotus Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1: 272. 1821.
Dochmiopus Pat., Hymen. Eur., p. 113. 1887.
Derminus Schröter, apud Cohn, Krypt.-FI. Schlesien, Pilze 1: 578. 1889.
Tremellopsis Pat. apud Duss, Fl. Krypt. Ant. Fr., p. 223. 1904.
Conchomyces Van Overeem, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 9: 19. 1927.

TYPE SPECIES: C. mollis (Fr.) Staude.


Carpophores usually lignicolous, rarely on soil; white or colored, fibrillose, villose, or glabrous; lamellae usually radiating from a lateral attachment point; spores in deposit brown, "clay color," or yellowish, more rarely pale ocher buff, or with a pinkish tint; spore wall single and thin, or double and thick, smooth, or rough, the roughness consisting of either: (1) very short rods extending from the endosporium through the exosporium and in surface view appearing punctate, or echinulate when the rods are longer, or (2) wrinkling of the exosporium, often appearing as minute warts, globose, subglobose, ellipsoid, fusoid, or ovoid, without a germ-pore, at times with an indistinct callus; cheilocystidia (with rare exceptions) present, and often versiform, pleurocystidia and pileocystidia present in some species; basidia usual, 2-4-spored; gill trama subparallel, or at times interwoven; pileus trama interwoven; cuticle variable (but constant for the species): slightly or not at all differentiated, or more often sharply differentiated and then of repent hyphae, without erect, epicuticular hyphae in strictly glabrous species, or more often bearing scattered to numerous, somewhat erect hyphae giving to the surface a condition which, according to the quality of the ornamentation, is called villose, pubescent, fibrillose, tomentose, or scaly, these hyphae colorless (in most instances), or colored (in some species) and in a lesser number of species the hyphae with ring-like incrustation; clamp connections absent, or more often present on the hyphae of the cuticle or epicutis (also, at times observed on the hyphae of the gill trama, the pileus trama, or at the base of basidia); stipe short and lateral or eccentric, or entirely lacking, or present only as a pseudostipe (a small, often inconspicuous structure, visible on the lower side) which is present in youth, disappearing on carpophore maturation; veil none.